Hitting the proverbial wall that seems to always pop up when you least expect it and really need it removed as soon as possible. Yet, there it stands before you blocking your way for whatever it was that you were doing. I can't remember the amount of times I've hit a wall and seem like my foot have rooted themselves in the ground making me unable to move forward in any way at all. So, what should you do when you come up against what seems like an impenetrable wall? Personally, I say get out … [Read more...]
Archives for 2013
The First Blog Post I Ever Wrote
Blogs. There are so many of them out there today and the plethora of topics that each one is on can seem to never end. After my daughter pasted, my grief ran so deep. I bought a new diary (yes, I still call my journal a diary :) ) to write all those thoughts constantly swimming around in my head. I needed an outlet to be able to just vent. Then approximately three months later I had all those words I just had to get written down. So I sat down at my dining room table and began to write those … [Read more...]
Day 171: Waiting
Sometimes it can seem like that's all we ever do: Waiting. I've heard so many times that we live in a "Microwave Society" in that we want everything now. There's a fast food restaurant almost on every corner. We can have a packaged shipped overnight so it arrives the next day. The microwave itself. I think sometimes we'd all like to be the character "Samantha" where we simply twitch our little nose and 'puff' whatever we were wanting to do or have done is magically taken care of. Yet, God … [Read more...]
The Journey with Mary Hamilton
Please welcome this weeks guest Mary Hamilton for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? Early in my writing journey, the church I attended put on an annual dinner theater as an outreach to women. I’d only written a few articles for take home papers and magazines when they asked me to write the next play. The idea was scary (what if I failed?), but enticing (what if I succeeded!). With lots of prayer, I agreed to try. My hour-long play was … [Read more...]
Day 170: The Dangerous Place
It's interesting but if you think about it the life of a writer is one of being solitary, alone, by yourself for long periods of time. Can you handle being along like this for anything length of time or would it drive you crazy. When you have any kind of job from home or business from home, you ultimately have to work by yourself as there isn't anyone around you pushing you to do whatever needs to be done. As a writer this is even more so. Who's going to tell you to write. Typically, just … [Read more...]
First Friends
Do you remember back to when you were a kid and your first friend? I don't know if the person I'm thinking of was actually my first friend. I just know that I knew her clear back to when I was in Kindergarten. Her name was Julie Buffington. She was the main friend I had when I was little. She was a couple of years older than me if I'm remembering her correctly. Here's a picture from many, many moons ago. It's not the greatest quality but you can see me on the right, I'm about 6 or 7 years old. … [Read more...]
Day 169: Just Do It
When I think of "Just Do It" Nike always comes to mind. I love their shoes and have worn them for years. But think about those three little words for a moment. They're simple. We can apply this to almost anything we do in life. It like procrastination is a balloon and a needle is the words "Just Do It." We can use that needle to pop our procrastination bubble to get us moving. What's one of the easiest way to do this you might ask. Personally, for me anyway, is to set a deadline. Whether it be … [Read more...]
Quitting A Bad Habit
If I could quit one bad habit I have it would be to quit being a procrastinator and just get things done. Why do I wait until the last-minute where I'm running around frantically trying to get done whatever it is I'm doing? I have no idea. I think part of my problem is time management and how I can easily eat away at my time when I should be doing something else. When you work outside the home for someone else you are forced to be accountable with your time because if you don't the chances of … [Read more...]
Day 168: Hero (or Heroine) Story
To try to put into words what today's post is about, I don't know if I could give it the justice it deserves. Here is what I read for today: When he was fifty-one years old, Reynolds Price learned he had a ten-inch malignant tumor in his spine, and he believed that his happy life of writing and teaching was over. Surgery and radiation left him a paraplegic, in unspeakable pain, and not sure that he would survive. But he did survive and was able to manage his pain through hypnosis. He then … [Read more...]
The Journey with Susan J. Reinhardt
Please welcome this weeks guest Susan J. Reinhardt for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? Man's Ideas vs. God's Plan "Your writing is good, but this book will never be published." These were not words I wanted to hear. After eight long years working on The Moses Conspiracy and honing my skills, they represented the ultimate rejection. I seriously considered going the self-publishing route, but there was no peace in my heart. One … [Read more...]