When we write it's intensely personal. You get giddy over the story ideas because they will cause more conflict you know your reader will love that they keep reading your story. I know this is how I've been the last month. Between writing what I'm doing now on my year-long journey, my first ever attempt at fiction, and most importantly Mari's book. These are what bring me pure joy to do. But the bottom line to all of this is you leave yourself exposed as you have put part of yourself into … [Read more...]
Archives for 2013
L is for Loving
Because loving Mari was, and still is, so easy to do. When you are pregnant with your first child everyone tells you that the moment your baby is born you will be filled with so much love that there are no words to describe the amount of love that fills your heart to capacity to the point of even spilling over. You question how can that possibly happen. There are no answers that can describe it. It just does. I remember shopping in Wal-Mart one day with my mother-in-law and she told me … [Read more...]
Day 68: Making Use of Fear
In life there are so many things we can be fearful of. Some seem irrational like small spaces, loud noises like fireworks shows, or even the little itty-bitty spiders that to some say, "it's more afraid of you than you of it." I think my granny (noises) and my mom (spiders) would beg to differ. When it comes to writing, fear can grind us to a halt. We are afraid of what some might say about our writing. Or we won't ever find an agent or publisher so why try. Or sometimes the strongest fears … [Read more...]
K is for Kindred Spirit
Because Mari's kindred spirit infiltrated every pore in our bodies. When I think of kindred spirits I always think of the Anne of Green Gables movies. Anne Shirley always talked about how her friends were her bosom friends and that they were kindred spirits. I think Mari was a kindred spirit and that is why she will always be so fondly remembered. For me, she's the one who organically or naturally through no selfish desire showed those around her what love is supposed to look like. So … [Read more...]
Day 67: Seinfeld’s Calendar
You might be thinking, "What in the world does Seinfeld's calendar have to do with writing?" It's simple. He too is a writer. A writer of comedy. He knows how to make people laugh. He was so good he even got his own TV show that went on for years. Personally, I was never a fan of his, but millions of people are. No, I may not have been a big fan of his show, but it remained on for years. Here's the thing. Did he become popular over night or do you think he worked at it several years while he … [Read more...]
J is for joy
Because knowing Mari and seeing the joy she brought to so many people in their lives was priceless to watch. I think Mari was the quintessential meaning behind joy. I don't think there was a day in Mari's life where she wasn't happy. She could make the saddest person smile with her innocence and charm. Did Mari experience joy like the rest of us? No, she experienced joy in a more pure way. Hers didn't have ulterior motives. She had joy simply because she was happy. How many people can … [Read more...]
Day 66: The Pitfalls of Grammar
When we first think about something to write, whether it's a new book idea, a short story or even a paper for school, we need to be able to be free to write without worrying about where a comma goes or if you have a run on sentence. Just write. Freely let your hand write out those thoughts on paper or into the computer. This is where our creative juices flow. Freely from our minds to the paper below us. I love that time. None of it may make sense when I'm done, but in that moment it sure did … [Read more...]
I is for independence
As Mari's independence always sprang forth with everything she did. Mari's independence never ceased to amaze those around her. She loved being able to do things on her own like climbing the spiral staircase outside to get to the roof to go dancing on it. Or to find the moment when I wasn't looking to open the window, open the screen, then climb through said window to go dancing in the street. Or flip the tall green laundry hamper upside down so she could climb on top to get to the key that … [Read more...]
Day 65: Why You Don’t Show Your Work to Your Spouse
I have to tell you that as of right now I sit here walking on my treadmill getting ready to go read today's phrase, I had to laugh as I can only imagine what will be said. I guess we'll find out in a second. Here I go... Well, here it is. I thought it best to quote what she said: "Why You Don’t Show Your Work to Your Spouse. When Norris Church Mailer showed her husband, Norman Mailer, the first one hundred pages of a novel she was working on, he said, 'It’s not as bad as I thought it would … [Read more...]
H is for heal
Because losing Mari has been the hardest thing I've ever been through but with time my wounded heart has slowly begun to heal. When someone said that losing a child is the hardest thing anyone would have to deal with, that couldn't be more of an understatement. Mari died four and a half years ago and sometimes it still feels like yesterday. The pain can be so raw that I sob. The tears pour from my eyes. Even though four and a half years may seem like a while, it really isn't. I know that … [Read more...]