Its amazing sometimes how God works. Many say His ways are mysterious. The bottom line, no matter how much we want to control every thing, we simply don't know His plan for all of our lives. His plan is greater than any of us can fathom. For me this hit me head on like a Mac truck (I know clique, but it's true) when God decided to answer our prayers about healing my precious baby girl by telling us all no, that it was time to bring her home to heaven where she'll be free from autism. He … [Read more...]
Archives for December 3, 2013
How often do you go back for seconds?
Man, I wish I could say never because I know I'd be a lot thinner than I am now. I remember when I was in my teens to early 20's being able to eat whatever I like and as much of it as I wanted. And then that pesky metabolism decided to start slowing down when I was around 24/25 year-old and I slowly gained some weight. It wasn't terrible but I could no longer fit into my size 10 pants that I'd worn since I hit puberty. After having Mari, that's where I gain the most weight like so many other … [Read more...]