Well, after much thought and how I'd like to proceed forward with both this site and my author site, I realized that my 365 day journey I've been doing along with the book A Year of Writing Dangerously: 365 Days of Inspiration and Encouragement that it is more appropriate for my author site than here. And the NaBloPoMo I did here the first month then I moved it this month to my author site where it is more appropriate for here. So why not switch them. So starting on December 1, I plan to start … [Read more...]
Archives for November 30, 2013
Making a change
I've been trying to make NaBloPoMo work here on this site and I've never felt fully comfortable as it's more personal than writing related. Whereas on my daughter's dedication website (mommysangelinheaven.com) I've been doing this 365 day journey through this book called A Year of Writing Dangerously: 365 Days of Inspiration & Encouragement by Barbara Abercrombie. I've been reflecting on what the author has said and writing my post in reference to it. However, what I've come to realize is … [Read more...]
Day 173: Easy Plays
In life do we stick to a specific script, or schedule, or do we improvise as we go along? Hopefully most of you said improvise. So, why do I say this? Because the best things in life most of the time happen when they are unplanned. Sometimes I wish I could be a better, organized person in my own life. I mean, my cupboards, or dresser drawers, or places like that are organized to the hilt. However, when it comes to my own life I try my very best to keep with a schedule but it never seems to … [Read more...]