When my daughter Mari was five years old, I went to WalMart to find a cute costume for her to wear for Halloween. I’d seen inflatable costumes before but they were usually silly ones like a sumo wrestler, or a fat woman in a bikini. Those never interested me nor did I think they were that great. However, this in particular year they had some of the cutest costumes. One of which was a big purple dinosaur with yellow horns on the back. It was perfect and I picked it up. When I got it home, I … [Read more...]
Archives for October 3, 2013
Day 142: Writers with a View
Have you ever just sat and looked out your window at the world around you and thought, "Wow, that could be a story"? When you're a writer, the world around you can always be a story. I was talking to a friend the other day and she was telling me about the drama that was going on with a friend and her life and I told her, "Wait, that's totally a story." And thing is, what she told me is so bizarre that it really could be a story. I think when I'm either looking at the world around me or talking … [Read more...]