In life we usually learn by either example or making a wrong decision. This is how we better ourselves. I love this because if I never learned from any of my mistakes what good would that be. My writing has benefited from this. If I had started to write and then didn't get any feedback/critiques on my writing, I wouldn’t have learned how to become better at writing. It has become stronger as a result of the time and effort I have put in. My hope is that those who have been helping me will be … [Read more...]
Archives for June 4, 2013
Day 114: The idea That Won’t Go Away
Have you ever had one of those moment when you're writing where your characters just won’t shut up. They continue to talk and talk and talk. They won’t quit until you write what they're telling you to write down. This has happened to me a few times with the fiction novel I’ve been writing to the point I have a major rewrite in the works that will need to be completed when we get more settled in Anchorage. If you aren’t a writer you may think that we have something mentally wrong with us if … [Read more...]