While there wasn’t any journaling given today (week 2 day 1), I plan to read the chapter and makes notes as I go along.
We need to remember of everything we read in the Bible to ask, “What’s the point?” On page 86, Jen says, “God is certainly in the details, but He’s also definitely in the main idea.”
When reading God’s Word for Bible study there are 2 simple steps to follow.
Read the ENTIRE SECTION first, one time minimum through.
“NO stops! NO notes! NO flipping around! Read for the big theme, the main idea….At the end of the day, what is this saying? What is the take-home value? What is GOD’S point?”
Then we move onto STEP 2:
Ask one of the following questions when journaling daily (pages 83-84):
- Play this idea out to its conclusion. If I do what this passage says, what will my life look like? If I don’t do what it says, what could happen?
- Write about the main idea of this passage rather than breaking it down verse by verse. What is the big picture here? What is God trying to say?
- What does God want me to walk away with more than anything else today?
- What is the ironclad truth of this passage? Does the world see the truth?
- How does this verse fit into the context of this passage or chapter?
Extending the main point can stem from questions like these below (pages 84-85):
- How is this truth manifested in today’s churches? Families? Believers? World?
- What does this passage tell me about God? Who is He here? What part of His character is exhibited? What is His best name here (Comforter, Healer, Teacher, and so on)?
- Process through the main word or phrase that leaped off the page. Write as my mind works.
- Can I boil down a passage to cause/effect? (When we _________, then God will ________; or vice versa.)
- Write about any detail the Spirit helps me notice.
Jeremiah 29:13-14
“You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord.
“You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord.
“You will search for Me. And when you search for Me with all your heart, you will find Me! I will let you find Me,” says the Lord.
The Voice
“You will look for Me intently, and you will find Me. Yes, I will be found by you,” says the Eternal.
Page 89
As you inspect the details of a passage, ask the Holy Spirit these questions:
- Why was this particular word used?
- Why was it written in this specific order?
- Why was this included?
- Why is this necessary?
- Why was it worded this way?
- What is the response God is hoping for?
- Who is this passage talking about?
- Why does this part come before that part?
- Why do I need to know this?