It’s that time of year where all the trees have begun or have changed colors and the leaves have started to fall. When you’re an adult and you see the leaves have fallen all over your yard at this time of the year, you just shake your head because all you can think about is how it’s more work for you to do.
However, when you’re a kid, man, it’s time to play. You will spend an hour piling up the leaves into a nice big mountain. The bigger the pile the softer the cushion for your body.
So the pile has been created. You stand with your back to the pile and then just let yourself go. Your body goes into a free-fall into the mound you have created and it’s like you’ve landed on a crunchy cloud of fluff. And then of course after you’ve fall, it’s time for that leaf throwing fight as you laugh and dance around.
As for jumping in a puddle, I think most kids love to do this. This brings to mind Mari. If there was a puddle some place she was sure to find it. I swear there was some type of Mari magnet that naturally drew her to each and everyone she could find. Just thinking about it puts a smile on my face.
So which is your favorite?
Photo credit: hvpinkle from

I remember as a kid spending hours doing both. Now I get to stand back and enjoy the grandkids enjoying them. Our youngest Kasey would spend so much time in puddles–regardless of the season–his toes didn’t even look like toes anymore. Leaves are easier to clean up after and possibly less unhealthy as far as causing colds. Good question & a tough choice.
Teresa, I’m so with you. My daughter was like a magnet to water. If she saw a puddle she’d love to go jumping in it, and she was of course oblivious to it be cold outside. To her, water was fun and excitement. And to watch our kids enjoying themselves puts a smile on your face as you love to be able to see them happy.