I know that this question is not normally asked at this time year. We always attribute it to Thanksgiving Day. But shouldn’t we always be asking ourselves this? For some it is really easy to answer. To those looking from the outside it looks like they have truly had a blessed life. A life filled with hope and happiness and no terrible tragedy to speak of. People who have died have done so because they have gotten older. But for so many this is not the case. I look at the tornadoes that … [Read more...]
This Year’s Ladies Retreat in Gatlinburg
I write from the ladies retreat I am on from my church this weekend. It is Saturday night right now. I went last year and the experience was exactly what I needed at the time. This was when I was introduced to Angie Smith’s story. It was something unexpected but good. This year on the way to Gatlinburg we ended up being delayed by either a mud slide or rock slide on I-75 located around mile marker 143. We ended up being put on a detour that added about an extra hour or so our drive time. The … [Read more...]
Giving your life over
(I wrote this last Sunday, March 4, 2012 during worship service) I sat here during church service and watched a man become baptized. This is such a special time. The commitment is huge and precious for any person who does it. He walked down into the water. Our pastor briefly told us how that our church had sent over Bibles while the soldiers were deployed to Afghanistan. This man had received one of those very precious Bibles. He started to read it. As a result he decided to give his life to … [Read more...]
Becoming a Writer
What has writing done for me? Well more than I ever thought even possible. I remember sitting in my high school English class and being just a “C” student. It was hard for me. To get into college I couldn’t even test into English 101. I would have had to go three below and start with English 097. I mean, you really can’t much lower. So for years I have always thought of myself as a terrible writer and that my English writing sucked. By the time I was around 22 or 23 years old I was … [Read more...]
A hole in your heart
When someone close to you dies it leaves a hole in your heart. What I tell people is that a hole was left by our daughter. As the years go by it will get smaller and smaller but it will never completely be filled again until we are in heaven seeing each other again someday. For me, I do not look at the hole as something God is supposed to fill. I think we all have little holes for different tragedies, no matter how big or small, that have happened in our lives. If the hole was to be filled by … [Read more...]
The innocence of a child
It's interesting with kids the things they will say and are not scared or embarrassed by. They don't have any reason to think before speaking yet because they are still so naive to what the world holds for them. It is hard lessons over time in our lives that start to teach us to become more and more reserved. Some to the point of holding everything in and not sharing with anyone unless that person comes to truly trust someone else. I think that kids can see things as they are and are still … [Read more...]
Monthly Blog Chain
I have become involved in something new. I am excited about this as I hope you guys will be too. I am becoming involved in a monthly blog chain to where you choose a designated date to write something about a specific topic chosen and agreed upon by the group. My first time involved with this group and I signed up for March 16. If you look on the left hand side of the screen, below where can contact me via email, you will see a new section called: ChristianWriters.com Blog Chain. I hope … [Read more...]
A Mother’s Love
A mother's love is a very beautiful emotion and something so incredibly special. I was just thinking last night how every person in the world living and breathing today has a mother and father somewhere whether they are alive or dead. However, not everyone has a child or ever will. It is a very special bond between parent and child. It is different for a mother with her children and a father with his children. God intended it this way for a reason. I know when it comes to our daughter that … [Read more...]
In my last post I wrote about how I joined this new group for writers. I have been receiving welcome's from the different members. And in my long winded sort of way (I just can't seem to keep my words down to a simple few sentences LOL), I responded back to what they have said. As I wrote a reply back yesterday I was thinking that it might be a good message to put on here. So I decided to put up a couple of them on here for what I said to share with all of you. I will post them over the next … [Read more...]
Life’s Moments…
I am here at work today just having a normal day. I had a book by Angie Smith called I Will Carry You that I let someone borrow. It is such a story of encouragement to me while at the same time it made me ball like a baby. I could so relate to her story. It truly touched my life. I am ever grateful to have been introduced to this story at my women’s retreat this past March. I let a coworker borrow the book to read. For her it was just too sad and so she had laid it on my desk this … [Read more...]