I think all of us at some point while plugging away on our computers wish the darn thing would self combust. We either can't figure the darn thing out or it just isn't working like it's supposed to. We'd love to take a sledgehammer to it as it'd feel so good to put the darn thing in its place. Anyone who knows me knows how much of a technology person I am. And learning new electronic things comes so naturally or software programs. The chances are that if I don't know that much about a program … [Read more...]
Day 1: Switchbacks up the Mountain
Switchbacks up the mountain can mean so many things. I think life in general is a continuous road where we travel up and down the mountain. Sometimes it's more like an easy hill that we climb and where life seems to move forward at a nice pace. But then there are those times where the road going up the mountain is so narrow and steep we feel we might fall off the edge plummeting to the ground below. I know that first year after Mari died my life felt more like the later. It felt like at any … [Read more...]
FALLing into Place
Nothing in life is ever easy for most of us. It's the things we work hard for that tend to be the most rewarding in the end. Compare someone who started from the ground up in a business and worked hard to make it a multimillion dollar one or the child born into wealth who never had to work a day in his life that when he turned eighteen he just expected much of the same. Who will appreciate what he has more? Hopefully it would be obvious that the guy who worked hard as the one who did doesn't … [Read more...]
FALLing on my face ⎯ literally
Have you ever fallen hard when walking, especially on ice. The year my husband turned 30 I decided to throw him a surprise big 30th birthday party. We invited around 40 people to our friend Missy's house. She had a nice big house at the time that fit everyone comfortably. I purchased a sheet cake from Sam's Club. I got him a special t-shirt that actually said something nice, and not snarky, for his birthday. The day of the party, if you can believe it, Keith ends up getting sick. He was … [Read more...]
Pumpkin or Apple Pie at Thanksgiving?
Talk about two of my very favorite pies. It’s hard to choose which is possibly my favorite. So I won’t. However, I will give the recipes that I use when making them from scratch (And yes, I make everything from scratch to include the pie crust. Yummy!!) The basis for my pie crust comes from the Betty Crocker cookbook, yet I’ve done some slight alterations to give it my own little touch. I use this for both my pumpkin and apple pies. One-Crust Pie (Pumpkin): ⅓ cup plus 1 tablespoon butter … [Read more...]
Which is better to jump in: a leaf pile or a puddle?
Absolutely a leaf pile. It’s that time of year where all the trees have begun or have changed colors and the leaves have started to fall. When you’re an adult and you see the leaves have fallen all over your yard at this time of the year, you just shake your head because all you can think about is how it’s more work for you to do. However, when you’re a kid, man, it’s time to play. You will spend an hour piling up the leaves into a nice big mountain. The bigger the pile the softer the cushion … [Read more...]
Crunching Leaves Under Your Feet or Popping Bubble Wrap?
Bubble wrap all the way for me. I love it when I receive something in the mail that the shipper has decided to use bubble wrap to keep it safe. You can’t help yourself but to pop those little, itty bitty bubbles. You can do it individually or twist the entire strip and hear it go pop pop pop pop. It makes you smile. Of course, if anyone else is home with you, they can’t help themselves but come up to you and ask, “May I pop some, too?” Will you be nice and say yes or will you be stingy and say … [Read more...]
I’m a Suncrisp apple.
You might be saying, “Say what?” If I had to pick an apple I’d say I was a Suncrisp apple. They are a smaller type of apple. When you take a bit the apple itself is crisp and crunchy, yet not too hard. The taste, not too sweet and not too sour, but a nice combination of both. So why would I consider myself to be like a Suncrisp Apple. Because overall I’m a nice person. I try to do things for others if I can. However, one major flaw of mine is my lack of patience. I don’t have very much. I can … [Read more...]
Day 4: Alaska
In one word: Alaska. To start with, it has to be one of the most beautiful places that I've not only been to but lived before. I mean, Colorado Springs, Colorado, was gorgeous. Keith and I loved it there. In fact, we've talked about retiring there since we left back in 1997 when Keith got off active duty the first time. We fell in love with the beauty that surrounded us. We loved the mountain back drop. It was just nice. I'd have to say that Alaska tops Colorado. Not only do we have mountains … [Read more...]
Another day…
It's hard to believe that the first week of September has already come and gone. Every month it seems like that, and then the months just go by quicker and quicker. And the next things you say to yourself is "where did the time go?" Well, today I didn't get as much done writing wise as I'd like to have hoped for but we did get a lot done for grocery shopping. A brand new Sam's Club opened up right off post and we went to sign up for our free membership since hubby is active duty. Almost $400 … [Read more...]