I wonder how many closet writers there are because they’re scared to get out of their comfort zone, daring to tell what’s rolling around in their brains.
Fear can be a great force within ourselves. It can stop us from doing so many things, things even God may want us to do. We have to remember that God will give us the strength we need to do things according to His plan. In our own human form we are weak and vulnerable. It is through Him that He gives an invisible shield of protection.
Would I be where I am today with Christ in my life? I can say without a shadow of doubt a big resounding, “NO!”
I was weak when Mari died. Fragile and could have easily broken at any time. I prayed for God to let me die. The hurt went so deep. My daughter was gone yet I remained behind. I mean, how could it be that my little girl left this world before me. Yet she did and I was still here. Again God’s answer to my anguished request was no. He wasn’t done with me yet. He had a plan. He knew that I was weak. He gave me His strength.
The poem “Footprints in the Sand” came to life in a way I had never truly understood before. He carried me until one day I started to gain strength back. The days where my strength had left, He was still there to carry me.
It’s through God’s strength I’m able to write, especially taking her hospital story and turning it into a memoir. So, I’m daring to tell her story and the other things I have floating around my head.

Our paths have taken the same route, it seems. When my son died, I clung to footprints. God had to carry me, for I was more than willing to die. I, also, am writing a memoir about the loss of my son. I’m glad you’re writing her story. God bless you, Mother of Mari.
Jean Ann, we both have gone down a path that neither one of us expected yet God chose for us. My heart goes out to you as I’m sure yours does for me. We have a special bond that others won’t know or understand because losing a child automatically connects you to those who have as well. Thank you for your kind words.