Many things happen to us throughout our childhood. Some good things while other not so good and for some they hope they never remember the really bad things. No matter who we are. No matter how we were raised. We are who we are today because of how we grew up. Our childhood shaped and molded us into the person we are now. I think back to when I was growing up. Was there a lot of bad stuff, like abuse? Unfortunately, the answer to that is yes. If I could take away all the abuses, neglect and … [Read more...]
Archives for 2013
Running for office…
No, I'm not running for office but wouldn't it be interesting if I did. It's never been an ambition of mine. First of all, I'd have to get up in front of hundreds of people all the time. No Thank You. Public Speaking has never been my thing. I literally start to shake and my stomachs starts flipping wheelies because I get so nervous. I honestly don't know how the people who do it do do it. Even with my fear of public speaking, I've had something leaning on my heart in the last year or so that, … [Read more...]
Day 136: Another View of Mentors
A mentor is someone who pushes you in a way that you endeavor to improve whatever it is you are working on. Some mentors are calm and sweet and help you in a more positive way, whereas other might yell at you and tell you to do specific things. However, if the first just doesn’t get you motivated to do what you need to do whereas the second one does, then go find yourself a mentor who does just that. Those are the kinds that can push you in way you never knew they could. And if you ended up … [Read more...]
What if money were no object
That isn't a hard one. I know there are the typical answers like traveling the world, or buying your dream house or car (or both :) ). But that is more materialistic than what I'd want to do. First, I'd want to start the scholarship program in my daughter's memory. For those of you who don't know me very well, my daughter had severe classic autism. And finding good teachers who not only want to teach but want to teach child with autism and also have the patience to do it at the same time are … [Read more...]
Day 135: Mentors
In life it is so important to find someone, or more than one person, who can mentor you in whatever you are doing. For me, I love being able to talk to other writers who have more experience than I do who can help me to become a better writer. In doing this, I’ve been able to open myself up to the help needed. You have to allow yourself to be guided in order to become better. The old adage about knowledge and wisdom is so true when it comes to writing. You may have all the knowledge in the … [Read more...]
Another day…
It's hard to believe that the first week of September has already come and gone. Every month it seems like that, and then the months just go by quicker and quicker. And the next things you say to yourself is "where did the time go?" Well, today I didn't get as much done writing wise as I'd like to have hoped for but we did get a lot done for grocery shopping. A brand new Sam's Club opened up right off post and we went to sign up for our free membership since hubby is active duty. Almost $400 … [Read more...]
Day 134: The Key
The key to anything in life is to just do whatever you need to do to get it done. With writing, that means, sit down and write. That’s it. When we bog ourselves down with all the dos and don’ts of writing, we forget to just write. You don’t have to make it perfect right now. That’s what editing is for. Right now, sit down to your keyboard, or your paper and pencil, or whatever it is you use to write with, and write. That’s it. For the longest time I didn’t want to write on this site unless I … [Read more...]
Effortless Giving
When we talk about giving something away, do we do it with a kind, open heart or do we do it because it feels like an obligation or that we have to. Personally, I can't remember the last time where I felt pressured to give a gift. I love walking into a store and seeing something that reminds me of a family member or friend. It's not something overly big or pricy, but it's something I know the recipient will like. I call them "Just because" gifts. And because it's a "just because" I don't expect … [Read more...]
The Journey with Jean Davis
Please welcome this weeks guest Jean Davis for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? Ben cheats. I was at a meeting of a Christian writers’ group a few years ago. We’d been given a writing prompt with fifteen minutes to write. I didn’t want to read out loud the drivel I’d come up with. But when it was Ben’s turn, he received accolades. “That’s great, Ben! You wrote that just now?” someone asked. “How did you do that? Your piece … [Read more...]
Day 133: Hearing Voices
In writing, hearing a distinct voice is important whether it be fiction or nonfiction. For me, I feel my voice comes out the clearest when I stay true to myself. If I were to try to start being like someone else in my writing I think it would come of as face and insincere. My hope is that when someone reads something I’ve written, my words, that they can tell I’m opening up myself to them, the reader. This site is all about my voice and what my daughter has meant to me. No matter what happens … [Read more...]