Recently things have been good. I have not been overly sad. I mean, I miss Mari but I am doing good.
I sit here in church again. I am glad we have started going to church on a regular basis. It is important for the two of us and our marriage. My hope is it only makes us stronger and helps us to get through the loss of Mari. I know through God anything can happen.
I know some people might say, “How could you believe in a God who would do this?” My response is God knows more than I ever could. He has an ultimate purpose. Everything happens for a reason.
I know out of this tragedy I started to write. I am not really sure this would have ever happened otherwise. So thank you Lord for giving me this gift and that I am able to share my writing with others.
Some people may think it strange to write out your thoughts and feelings and then sharing them on a website on the internet for all to read. Some people may not understand how this is an outlet for me to cope and deal with my grief. Or that by sharing my writing with people it may help someone out there I would have never been able to touch otherwise. But to be honest, it doesn’t matter if makes sense to anyone else. All that matters is that I know it helps me and by writing it all down I am then able to help others who are not able to put their thoughts and feelings into words. They can relate to what I am writing. I think that is what has touched me the most in that a few words I write may actually help someone else out there I probably will never get the chance to meet.
Life has a way of surprising you and bringing things into your life you may have never given a second chance before.
Thank you Lord for showing me this gift of writing through the worst tragedy of my life. Just thank you.
So good to read. Thank you for sharing where you are – I continue to pray for you daily. Sylvia
Sylvia, thank you so much for all you have done for Keith and I. I think of you often.