Why do people always seem to say that “time heals all wounds”. I think those people have never been through a real tragedy in their own lives. No matter how you look at it, time has always been here. Whether it is in our past, our present, or our future, time is always involved. Time has always been there through everything we have done or been through in our lives. Time is there in every moment we live each day. And time will continue it’s never ending cycle for the rest of our lives.
Let me be one of the first to say that time DOES NOT heal all wounds. Time does ANYTHING BUT heal all wounds. Time is meant to be a vehicle you take a ride on. In this vehicle it is takes you as fast or as slow as you need to go. For some it may be supersonic. For most of us it is like we are going the speed of turtle (remember the turtle is always the one that wins the race).
Time happens to be one of our most valuable resources; an incredible important asset in our lives. Time can give you something to look forward to and in the same breath make you dread what is coming. Time is different for each individual and no two people’s time runs along the same timeline. Time for one individual is as different for another as each individual’s fingerprints define them.
So I would love to meet the individual who came up with the saying that “time heals all wounds.” I would love to tell them what time really does. Time is just that. It gives each and everyone one of us the time WE need to be able to deal with the grief in our lives. Think about it, do you honestly think that in TIME we will be completely healed from the loss in our life. Absolutely not. No possible way. How could this possible happen. Time becomes your friend because time helps you to be able to get to a place where you can live with the hurt and the pain on a day in and day out basis. In time the hurt will have subsided to a point where sometimes it will only feel like a dull ache and other times it will go back to hurting like hell.
We are all so glad we have time because if we didn’t could you imagine what it would be like to have to heal right on the spot from losing something or someone so special and dear to your heart. I know in time the loss of our precious little Angel will not be quite so acute but it will always be here. There will not be a day that goes by where I do not think about her. Time is and will continue to be my best friend because it is giving me the time I need to deal with the loss of our precious daughter Mariana.
I have a new saying for what time can do for me: Time is a vehicle that will one day bring me back to my little Angel. JUST TIME!!
I love what you wrote about time. It is so true. Time is the vehicle we use to travel through this life, and through it all.I never could imagine laying to rest my granddaughter while I was still living and courase if I had died, I would not have been there to lay her to rest.
We never have the right words for someone that has experienced pain and loss so dear. I watched my parents after the death of my brother and my mom said it was so hard to understand “WHY?” but I think God needed him even more than me.I continue to pray for your stength and courage. Love,Di