Please welcome this weeks guest June Foster for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? I retired from teaching elementary school in El Paso, Texas. A few years later my husband and I bought an RV and began traveling across the United States, loving every minute of our freedom. I can't describe all the exciting places we visited. Some mornings we'd even wake up and ask ourselves where we wanted to travel today. After a few years, something … [Read more...]
Do we take the easy or the hard way?
Well, this week I was more productive than I thought I'd be. I was able to rewrite out a new scene. Then while I was talking to a friend on Facebook just chatting away an idea came to me that might help to enhance the scene even better. But then a question came to my mind. "Is it worth all the effort to try and write the scene in the new way or take the easy route and just leave it be?" Well, I think our gut instinct, if we are honest with ourselves, is to take the easy way as it's just that: … [Read more...]
Finding Something Interesting This Evening Online
As I sat here writing tonight and then went searching for some graphics, I came across an interesting one that had this on it: When To Shelve the Book You're Writing. Well, that little bit piqued my interest so I click on the graphic and it took me to this blog post: What this woman had to say was quite interesting. I know in the book I've been writing, or trying to write, every once in a while I think maybe I should move onto a new … [Read more...]
I’m beginning something new
I've decided to try something new here. I want to be able to write a little something each day. Whether it's about the book I'm currently writing or just to say how my day was. I want to keep my readers up to date with everything. Today, I've mostly been writing posts for my daughter's dedication website (Mommy's Angel In Heaven). I love writing on there as that website has not only become apart of me but my soul. I get to openly share with people my thoughts and how I'm feeling at the time … [Read more...]
I’m Back (Man It’s Been A Long Time)
Well, who knew that my break would have taken me this long. Since my last message we have moved to Anchorage, Alaska. Our nephew has gone back home to live with his biological mom. And now I'm back into my writing. It's been so exciting as I completely rewrote out a new outline for my book as I figured out how I needed to proceed forward. I've just started writing out the new scene's and rewriting several of the ones I already had as the book takes on a new turn. I'd like to start a writing … [Read more...]
Day 31: Dreaming Your Ship
I love this: "If you say your story is fiction, it’s fiction. Period. How much or what part of it is autobiographical is nobody’s business." That was quoted from the author of the book I'm using. As most of you know, I am very new to writing fiction, well writing at all for that matter. But in particularly fiction. It has never once crossed mind to accuse an author that the fiction story he or she has written is anything but fiction. I'm sure there are some people out in the world today who … [Read more...]
Day 18: Your Validation Posse
I love this. A validation posse. Before I got into writing seriously I might never have truly understood what this would mean and how important it is as a writer. As for what I do on this site, my validation posse has been those individuals that my writing has somehow touched their life and for those who have left comments to let me know how those words did touch their lives. But writing Mari's book and also my fiction writing. To have just the right posse is more important than I ever could … [Read more...]
Day 17: Love Thy Reader
This put a smile on my face. For anyone who has taken the time to read something I've written, it's almost like they are a friend who I'm opening my heart and thoughts to. Both the lighthearted and funny kind to the heart-wrenching and agonizing kind. This website has become a part of me, just like Mari was while on this earth and continues to be while in heaven. For some people things they may read may just be words to them. But they are so much more to me. They are a part of my soul. No, … [Read more...]
Day 10: Working Out
When I first glanced at the topic I thought about how I've been trying to work out on a daily basis by walking anywhere from a half hour to as long as 2 1/2 to 3 hours each day. It seems like most people who haven't worked out in a while dread starting a new exercise routine. When you first start out the body tends to become sore from the new way it's being used. But once you've gone a few times the body becomes accustomed to this and you actually begin to love how you feel after a … [Read more...]
Time. It's a strange thing. Sometimes it seems as though time goes on forever and in others it feels like there is never enough. For me recently, it seems like time is just slipping away. We now have less than three months until our official move to Alaska starts. The Army will come to pack up our home (tentatively) April 15. Keith's final day of clearing will be on April 19. And then we start on our long adventure as we drive across the United States, stopping along the way to either visit … [Read more...]