If you are new to my writing, you may not know I also have another website in dedication to my beloved angel in heaven. Please take a moment to stop by and check it out. This website is apart of me and if you would like to get to know me better as a writer, please stop by to see what I have to say over there. My latest post is called Hitting "The Mark." http://mommysangelinheaven.com/2012/05/22/hitting-the-mark/ My sincerest hope is that my writing may touch your life in some way. Thank … [Read more...]
An Introduction to the Russo Family
I'd like to take the time to introduce you to the Russo Family in the book I'm currently writing tentatively called The Door. There is Rob Russo. He is the husband to Katalina Russo, affectionately known as Kat. They have been married for nineteen years and plan to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary in the coming year. They're the proud parents of Hannah and Emily. Both girls are over achievers. While Hannah is the extrovert, Emily is more of an introvert. However, these two girls … [Read more...]
I’m so excited…
It is such an exciting time for me as I begin my new writing journey here with you. I started this website so I could connect with my readers and those who have yet to find me. I want this website to be another extension of who I am. This will enable you to get to know who I am a little bit better. I plan to start writing about the projects I am currently working on as well as any other tidbits that might interest you along this journey. You will be able to get to know the characters I've … [Read more...]
After careful consideration and thinking, I decided to start a site under my name to help promote the fiction writing I feel God has inspired me to write and share with all of you. My sincerest hope is that I will be able to connect with my readers and fellow writers in a way that glorifies God according His will and plan. Thank you for stopping by and seeing what I have to say. Please checkout my About Me page as well as subscribing to our site. You can do so by entering your email address … [Read more...]
It’s kind of amazing…
It kind of amazes me how I started writing. It has taken me a while to even admit that I am writer (out loud). It sounded so foreign to me yet now it is the exact opposite. I am about to write something that for some may come across the wrong way. I need everyone to understand that I truly love my daughter and I would give anything to have her back. She was my pride and joy and that will never change. However, God didn’t plan for her to stay on this earth longer than her eight and half years … [Read more...]
What do we have to be thankful for?
I know that this question is not normally asked at this time year. We always attribute it to Thanksgiving Day. But shouldn’t we always be asking ourselves this? For some it is really easy to answer. To those looking from the outside it looks like they have truly had a blessed life. A life filled with hope and happiness and no terrible tragedy to speak of. People who have died have done so because they have gotten older. But for so many this is not the case. I look at the tornadoes that … [Read more...]
A hole in your heart
When someone close to you dies it leaves a hole in your heart. What I tell people is that a hole was left by our daughter. As the years go by it will get smaller and smaller but it will never completely be filled again until we are in heaven seeing each other again someday. For me, I do not look at the hole as something God is supposed to fill. I think we all have little holes for different tragedies, no matter how big or small, that have happened in our lives. If the hole was to be filled by … [Read more...]
Grateful for the little things in life
It seems that sitting in church, like I am now, seems to be a place where I feel I can open up so freely and easily. I am so grateful and excited to be going back to church and finding one that Keith and I feel at home with. I know that it is God who has been nudging our hearts to find a new church home. It just has been hard grieving as much as we have and having anger issues. But it feels good to be around fellow believers as we are now. I think now I am going to seek out another woman … [Read more...]
To Feel Lucky…
What happens after sixteen years of marriage? Is it still wedded bliss or is it a nightmare you can't wait to get out of? Well if you're lucky, it'll be as close to wedded bliss as the two of you can be. What I mean by wedded bliss is not that when you first start going out and everything feels so fresh and new and you just feel so owey goowey with each other or even that first year of marriage where you can tell the couple is newlyweds. I'm talking about how after sixteen years of marriage … [Read more...]
That Hideous Doctrine by John Thomas
I wanted to share this with everyone. It was given to me while my husband and I were taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University at our church over two years ago. I just recently found my copy of it and wanted to share it with all of you. From Moody Monthly/September 1985 That hideous doctrine of hell is fading. How often have you thought of it in the past month, for instance? Does it make a difference in your concern for others, in your witness? Is it a constant and proper … [Read more...]