How are you changing the world with your choices? Think on this question for a second. How would you answer it? For me, it's more than just my writing. It is when I'm writing about my daughter and sharing my inner most thoughts and feelings on her dedication website ( Whether my words were to only ever touch one person or millions, I know that in the end I have to be myself. If I am people will be able to see that through what comes out onto the page. I feel freer … [Read more...]
Do we take the easy or the hard way?
Well, this week I was more productive than I thought I'd be. I was able to rewrite out a new scene. Then while I was talking to a friend on Facebook just chatting away an idea came to me that might help to enhance the scene even better. But then a question came to my mind. "Is it worth all the effort to try and write the scene in the new way or take the easy route and just leave it be?" Well, I think our gut instinct, if we are honest with ourselves, is to take the easy way as it's just that: … [Read more...]
What Do I Want To Be
I think I can sum that up with just one word: A Writer. Well, I guess that was two words, but still, I've come to realize how much I love writing and that I've been given a gift. God has blessed me with this gift and I couldn't imagine mine life without it now. If you'd asked me five years ago would I think I'd want to write full-time, I'd have said no. At the time, I was grieving the recent loss of my little girl. I hadn't even started her dedication website as that was almost two months off … [Read more...]
Finding Something Interesting This Evening Online
As I sat here writing tonight and then went searching for some graphics, I came across an interesting one that had this on it: When To Shelve the Book You're Writing. Well, that little bit piqued my interest so I click on the graphic and it took me to this blog post: What this woman had to say was quite interesting. I know in the book I've been writing, or trying to write, every once in a while I think maybe I should move onto a new … [Read more...]
I’m beginning something new
I've decided to try something new here. I want to be able to write a little something each day. Whether it's about the book I'm currently writing or just to say how my day was. I want to keep my readers up to date with everything. Today, I've mostly been writing posts for my daughter's dedication website (Mommy's Angel In Heaven). I love writing on there as that website has not only become apart of me but my soul. I get to openly share with people my thoughts and how I'm feeling at the time … [Read more...]
I’m Back (Man It’s Been A Long Time)
Well, who knew that my break would have taken me this long. Since my last message we have moved to Anchorage, Alaska. Our nephew has gone back home to live with his biological mom. And now I'm back into my writing. It's been so exciting as I completely rewrote out a new outline for my book as I figured out how I needed to proceed forward. I've just started writing out the new scene's and rewriting several of the ones I already had as the book takes on a new turn. I'd like to start a writing … [Read more...]
Day 18: Your Validation Posse
I love this. A validation posse. Before I got into writing seriously I might never have truly understood what this would mean and how important it is as a writer. As for what I do on this site, my validation posse has been those individuals that my writing has somehow touched their life and for those who have left comments to let me know how those words did touch their lives. But writing Mari's book and also my fiction writing. To have just the right posse is more important than I ever could … [Read more...]
Day 7: Jumping Off
I have to laugh. Talk about something hitting home. I have been struggling to get back into my writing. I have a completed first draft of my fiction novel but have been unmotivated to just sit down and edit it. I have several story ideas, that as soon as they pop into my brain, I immediately write them down. Everyone I talk to tells me to just jump in and do it. Yet, I don't no matter how much I should. I could come up with a million excuses. Let's see. We took guardianship of our … [Read more...]
Day 3: The Holy Calling
Its amazing sometimes how God works. Many say His ways are mysterious. The bottom line, no matter how much we want to control every thing, we simply do not know His plan for all of our lives. His plan is greater than any of us can fathom. For me this hit me head on like a Mac truck (I know clique but it's true) when God decided to answer our prayers about healing my precious baby girl by telling us all no, that it was time to bring her home to heaven where she will be free from autism. God … [Read more...]
Day 2: Sacred Space
When I think of "Sacred Space" I think of it more in the abstract. I can be sitting in my living room in my comfy cozy chair or, like I am right now, writing this on my Kindle as I walk on my treadmill. I think for me my space becomes sacred when I need to write something. I don't like to be interrupted as I can lose my train of thought just like the snap of my fingers. Sometimes I'm so engrossed in what I'm doing that others my try to talk to me but I don't heat them as my mind has been … [Read more...]