This is an interesting concept. Have you ever thought about taking one of your very favorite books and retyping it out? That's right, the entire thing. Nope? Well, I hadn't either until I read about today's phrase. Here is a small excerpt from the book: "When Donald Ray Pollock turned forty-five, he decided he wanted to do something different with his life; he was going to learn how to write. He began by retyping stories by writers he liked —John Cheever, Richard Yates, and Ernest … [Read more...]
The Journey with Joanne Sher
Please welcome this weeks guest Joanne Sher for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? How have I seen God work in my writing journey? For me, this question is huge, in so many ways. Because, you see, it is because of my writing journey that I became a Christian. And it is because I am a Christian, and associate with other Christian writers, that my writing journey is where it is today. So, here I go. :) You see, I was raised Jewish in … [Read more...]
Day 82: Finding a Genre
I'm a romance nut. I started off reading teen romances by the time I was 13 or 14 years old. I eventually graduated to adult romances. The ones I like the most are historical romances set in the UK somewhere, but mostly in London. I also like to read historical romances set in the US. Once in a while I will read a contemporary romance. The point is, I love my romance books. So, when I had my first book idea pop into my head I was sure that I'd be writing a romance. I began to write my book. … [Read more...]
The Journey with Kelly Irvin
Please welcome this weeks guest Kelly Irvin for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? God has the wheel My writing journey began when I was a child, but it has managed to meander all over the place for most of my life. It’s taken me many years to discover God’s plan for me and to discover I was never in charge at all. I'm from a working class family and I always knew I wanted to write novels, but I also I wanted to be able to support … [Read more...]
The Journey with Emilie Hendryx
Please welcome this weeks guest Emilie Hendryx for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? In the Midst of the Journey I’ve always loved reading and writing. Ever since I was a little girl, I can remember dreaming up ideas, creating imaginary places, and compiling all of the elements of a good story into a play session with my stuffed animals. At that time, I didn’t know much about the fundamentals of writing or story telling, I just knew … [Read more...]
The Journey with Cara Putman
Please welcome this weeks guest Cara Putman for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? A Writing Journey that Weaves and Runs I’ve wanted to write for about as long as I can remember. I’ve always had a love for good books and stories. When I was a teen, my favorite authors didn’t write new books fast enough – now I understand why! But at the time, I thought they should be able to write more books in a year, so I decided to try my hand at … [Read more...]
Day 54: The Beginning Writer
It's interesting to think that when you are staring at a blank piece of paper, or in many cases today, a blank document on the computer screen, that we are all beginning writers. As far as literally, someone who's had several books published or been writing for several years is not a beginning writer. A beginning writer is someone like me. Someone who has recently begun to write. I have no published books. I don't have several books I've written waiting to be published. I just have two books … [Read more...]
Day 45: Stubborn and Stupid
I think at some point in our lives we are stubborn and can make some really stupid mistakes. Being stubborn is good in writing because if we were to stop writing after receiving our first rejection letter, there would only be a few books in the world today. I know I have made plenty of stupid mistakes throughout my lifetime. It's how I've learned to not make those same ones over and over again. As a writer we will make tons of them. It's okay. How can you learn to be a better writer if you … [Read more...]
The Journey with Lillian Duncan
Please welcome this weeks guest Lillian Duncan for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? How has God figured into my writing journey? In more ways than I have space to tell. I started writing when I was 40. As much as I hate to admit it now, I wasn’t living a Christian lifestyle at the time, even though I’d become a Christian as a young teenager many years before. My writing reflected the fact that I wasn’t living a Christian … [Read more...]
The Journey with Janet Chester Bly
Please welcome this weeks guest Janet Chester Bly for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? CALLED TOGETHER, FORCED APART When my husband found God's ministry for him, after seminary and pastoring his first church, I wanted to find mine. What were my spiritual gifts to help the church fellowship and other believers? After a prayer journey and searching for several years, I attended my first writing conference. And got excited. So, in … [Read more...]