You might be asking yourself, “What in the heck is she talking about?” Well, here is a quote from the book that I think speaks volumes:
“Annie Dillard in an interview once ranted that computers can create huge mushrooming paragraphs. Sometimes with these computer keys I feel like I’m doodling on a piano or writing on water. It’s too easy to revise, to slash and burn without letting the writing cool, or even worse, to blither on and on into lethal mushroom clouds of words.”
When I read that I figured out why my old school method of using college ruled three hole punched binder paper with my ever trusty PhD .7mm lead mechanical pencil does really work better for me. I’m able to just write. No editing myself as I go along. I’m able to pencil down my thoughts and just write. I love it.
However, when I tried writing by typing directly into the computer, something was missing in that I didn’t let myself just write. I was constantly checking my stuff as I went along and somehow my stuff became shorter as a result.
So, even though I’m a technology nut and I love all my gadgets and gizmos, I still use the old school method that has been around for centuries.
Even for editing, I print off whatever it is I need to edit, read it out loud making my edits on the paper as I go along, then enter those edits into the computer. It’s just what works for me.
Kristen, you are a girl after my own heart. I’ve gone back to doing 90% of my!writing in my notebooks even though my tetchy toys have toys & I am commenting from my iPad. It is only when I write longhand that the writing flows from heart to hand. My notebook is the Meeting Place where God & I intersect.
Thank you for being the vehicle for the Voice of God to me; not just this morning but on many mornings.
Linda, isn’t it amazing how the words just flow out of you when you are doing it with good ol’ paper and pencil. I tried to do it via directly typing it into the computer but found my scene shortened quite a bit. The freedom of longhand is really kewl, yet I so wish I could be just a free typing (talk about being quicker LOL). I’m touched that my words were able to resonate with you. For me when I hear comments like yours it lets me know I’m doing the right things and it’s like God is confirming once again the gift He’s given me. That’s a beautiful thing.
I go to old school notebook and pencil whenever I get stuck in my writing. Otherwise, I like the water-like features of writing on the computer. It helps me to just get something down; I can always edit later. Or just delete. Or just pull up a fresh new document. That’s somehow freeing to me. Love me a blank page, or a blank screen, either way, though. It’s a writer thing!
Voni, you know, it really is a writer thing. We all have our own ways and what works best for us. I could probably do it the way you’re talking about but then I know how much editing actually end up doing and it just saves me time upfront to do it by hand. Even when I edit, I print off whatever it is I’m editing and make all my edits on the paper then transfer them into the computer when I’m done. Something else I also do is to read it outloud after I’ve made my edits. I just seem to catch things so much better this way.