There’s an old saying that goes like this: In order to start your journey we must first know where we’re going. For example, in order for Keith and I to know the exact route we would take to get to Alaska when we started our journey, we first had to know exactly where we were going. So in this case, first things first, we knew we were going to Anchorage. From there we could plot our long course, making our stops along the way until we made our destination.
I think there are many times in life where we try to put the cart before the horse (I know cliché 🙂 ). When we do this, we either make things harder on ourselves or cause ourselves more work to do than is needed. I know I’m not alone in this when I say I have done this a few times in my life. We can either get so excited about something that we don’t stop for a moment and breath before we take action. Or on the flip side we just want to get done whatever it is and don’t pay as much attention causing us more work in the end.
The way to win on both accounts is to simply be patient and take our time doing it right the first time. Patience always wins out in the end. We can be happy with the result we’ve come up with.