Bubble wrap all the way for me. I love it when I receive something in the mail that the shipper has decided to use bubble wrap to keep it safe. You can’t help yourself but to pop those little, itty bitty bubbles. You can do it individually or twist the entire strip and hear it go pop pop pop pop. It makes you smile.
Of course, if anyone else is home with you, they can’t help themselves but come up to you and ask, “May I pop some, too?” Will you be nice and say yes or will you be stingy and say no. Most of the time I think we’d say yes. But if there aren’t very many you may just say no and pop away.
Or how about the giant poppies. Oh those are so great. And boy are they loud. It’s a great way to take a brief moment in time and just have fun. How often do any of get to do this? I think we have to do this at least once in a while to keep us sane.
As for crunching the leaves under our feet, or better yet, making a big pile of leave and jumping in, is also a lot of fun. To hear that crunch crunch crunch under our feet can also bring that smile to our face.
My daughter loves it when we come out of the car or when we are getting ready to leave to make sure she steps in the leave to make all sorts of crunching sounds. She has a good ol’ time. The one draw back is the mess it can bring back into the house when it’s been on your shoes.
So while crunching the leaves is always fun, popping those little bubbles, or sometimes big ones, is more fun for me.
Which do you think is more fun? I’d love to hear what you have to say.
Leaves Photo Credit: bleaufire from morguefile.com