I love this quote: "Lots of people have talent, darlin'. But look how many people throw it away. It boils down to this: having talent is not enough. You also have to have a talent for having talent." - Ruth Gordon There are so many people whom we come into contact throughout our life time that can have unbelievable talent but they either have no interest in pursuing that talent or simply don't have the drive. My brother comes to mind with this. My brother has a learning disability called … [Read more...]
Archives for 2013
Day 144: Drinking, Bloating, and Not Writing
In life, there can be so many distractions from husbands to our children to our families to our jobs to our things to do around our house to the church we might be attending to the things we do in everyday life to even just ourselves. I'm sure if I were to ask any of you the distractions you face on either a daily, weekly or monthly basis, I'm sure we'd have quite a few. For myself I know I can come up with many. I think my biggest distraction is myself. It seems like I can come up with a … [Read more...]
Favorite Childhood Costumes and Other Memories
Okay, I’ll be honest. I don’t have a favorite childhood costume (I know, how sad is that LOL). The reason why is I don’t really remember any particular costume I had. Do you remember those like plastic type costumes that covered the body and then the hard plastic mask for the face? Those are the one that I remember getting every year. I never had one of those kewl costumes that so many other kids at on at school. My mom couldn’t afford it. Today, however, those types of costumes I don’t think … [Read more...]
Day 143: Marriage vs. Dating
This is a fantastic quote when it comes to writing a novel: "Starting a novel isn't so different from starting a marriage. The dreams you put on these people are enormous." - Ann Patchett Have you ever thought of the novel your writing as a marriage partnership? That you and your novel, for a time, become one as you sit down and write out all the details that will make it complete one day? I hadn't until I read what she wrote for today. It is a partnership of sorts. We will spend many hours … [Read more...]
The Journey with June Foster
Please welcome this weeks guest June Foster for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? I retired from teaching elementary school in El Paso, Texas. A few years later my husband and I bought an RV and began traveling across the United States, loving every minute of our freedom. I can't describe all the exciting places we visited. Some mornings we'd even wake up and ask ourselves where we wanted to travel today. After a few years, something … [Read more...]
The Inflatable Purple Dinosaur
When my daughter Mari was five years old, I went to WalMart to find a cute costume for her to wear for Halloween. I’d seen inflatable costumes before but they were usually silly ones like a sumo wrestler, or a fat woman in a bikini. Those never interested me nor did I think they were that great. However, this in particular year they had some of the cutest costumes. One of which was a big purple dinosaur with yellow horns on the back. It was perfect and I picked it up. When I got it home, I … [Read more...]
Day 142: Writers with a View
Have you ever just sat and looked out your window at the world around you and thought, "Wow, that could be a story"? When you're a writer, the world around you can always be a story. I was talking to a friend the other day and she was telling me about the drama that was going on with a friend and her life and I told her, "Wait, that's totally a story." And thing is, what she told me is so bizarre that it really could be a story. I think when I'm either looking at the world around me or talking … [Read more...]
Day 141: Poetry for Your Table
Sometimes the words we speak or see can be that old saying, "Poetry to our ears." It's not so much the words that are spoken as much as the meaning behind them. I think that has become more evident for me now than any other time in my past. When I'd read a book, it was just that, a book. Don't get me wrong. If I read a book it's because I enjoyed it. However, now, those same words take on a different meaning for me. When put together just right, they can seem like they are poetry to our … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Pie Anyone?
When I think of the different things that start to come out during the fall for the things people like to eat, things that come to mind are caramel apples, candy corn, cranberry sauce, squashes, turkey, the multi color corn (maze corn), apple pie, stuffing, and so many more. However, I think my very favorite is pumpkin pie. Ever since I can remember, this time of year brings out the pumpkin pies. And not even just the pie but pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, and maybe some other things I don’t … [Read more...]
What Autumn Brings
In the past when I thought about autumn, or fall, I’d think about how the leaves started to change bring about all the beautiful colors. The vivid reds, oranges, and golds. Or how about the weather and temperature changes. In the lower 48, the temps have changed a whole lot yet, but they are starting to make their decent downward as we make our way towards winter. The mountain peaks, if you live by them, have started to show snow on the tops. It’s a beautiful site to behind. As we drive out … [Read more...]