It's interesting with kids the things they will say and are not scared or embarrassed by. They don't have any reason to think before speaking yet because they are still so naive to what the world holds for them. It is hard lessons over time in our lives that start to teach us to become more and more reserved. Some to the point of holding everything in and not sharing with anyone unless that person comes to truly trust someone else. I think that kids can see things as they are and are still … [Read more...]
Archives for 2012
Today kind of sucked for me
Today kind of sucks for me. I had to go to the hospital to have a procedure done. Don’t freak out. It is nothing serious. My GI doctor wanted me to have the test (procedure) done to check to see how much acid I have that might be coming up from my stomach. There were two test to be done. The first one took about an hour to do. I had the privilege of have a tube (she said it was a pediatric one at that) stuck through my nose that she then had to slide down into my belly. Well, through this … [Read more...]
Monthly Blog Chain
I have become involved in something new. I am excited about this as I hope you guys will be too. I am becoming involved in a monthly blog chain to where you choose a designated date to write something about a specific topic chosen and agreed upon by the group. My first time involved with this group and I signed up for March 16. If you look on the left hand side of the screen, below where can contact me via email, you will see a new section called: Blog Chain. I hope … [Read more...]
What does the word “savior” mean to you?
The word “savior” can have so many meanings to so many different people. You can think of someone as their savior because this person saved him or her from a difficult or awkward situation. You thank them for being there when you needed them. When I think of savior I think of it in two different ways. One way is how many people were like our little saviors helping us through the difficult time of Mari being in the hospital or after she died. The other way, and the main way for me anyway, … [Read more...]
A Mother’s Love
A mother's love is a very beautiful emotion and something so incredibly special. I was just thinking last night how every person in the world living and breathing today has a mother and father somewhere whether they are alive or dead. However, not everyone has a child or ever will. It is a very special bond between parent and child. It is different for a mother with her children and a father with his children. God intended it this way for a reason. I know when it comes to our daughter that … [Read more...]
Mari’s Special Video
YEAH!!! I finally figured out how to get Mari's special video that was played at her funeral uploaded onto YouTube. I had it on Google Video for quite sometime but then that went away when Google and YouTube merged together. When I then tried to upload it into YouTube it said it was too long because it was over 15 minutes long. I didn't know there was a specific time amount or if I could do anything about it until I went on a hunting expedition on YouTube this evening. I finally found out that … [Read more...]
In my last post I wrote about how I joined this new group for writers. I have been receiving welcome's from the different members. And in my long winded sort of way (I just can't seem to keep my words down to a simple few sentences LOL), I responded back to what they have said. As I wrote a reply back yesterday I was thinking that it might be a good message to put on here. So I decided to put up a couple of them on here for what I said to share with all of you. I will post them over the next … [Read more...]
Exciting Times
I’m kind of excited. I just joined a new writing organization online called ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers). I was told about this organization from someone on a forum I am apart of. I think back to last spring time frame when I first happen come upon a writing community through CreateSpace. From there I have become in involved in a few others. And through this experience I have been able to find this new group of people. They actually have local chapters all over the country you … [Read more...]
Things that happen
Today kind of sucks for me. I had to go to the hospital to have a procedure done. Don’t freak out. It is nothing serious. My GI doctor wanted me to have this test (procedure) done to check to see how much acid I have that might be coming up from my stomach and causing me problems. There were two test to be done. The first one took about an hour to perform. I had the privilege of having a tube (she said it was a pediatric one at that) stuck through my nose that she then had to slide down into … [Read more...]
Old and New
It’s interesting to me to have a child, my niece, ask me a question about a conversation she over heard me having with her mom on the phone talking about how I died the day Mariana died and a new Kristena was born. Athena asked me this morning, “Auntie Kris, last night when you were talking to my mommy you talked about an “Old Kristena” and a “New Kristena,” what was the “old Kristena” like?” I wasn’t quite sure how to answer this. How do you explain to an 8 year old what you used to be like? … [Read more...]