OMG (Oh My Goodness)… Find the joy through the tragedy is, I believe, imperative. It’s this one thing that allows us to find the hope in every situation, and some times things look pretty darn stark. In every life, we have our own set of “darkest … [Read More...]
Loss… Sentimental and/or Physical #flood2020
The evening of Monday, May 18, it had been a typical day in our home. I’m a virtual assistant … Continue Reading…
Loss… Then Blessings Abound… #believer #blessings #beyondgrateful
OMG (Oh My Goodness)… Find the joy through the tragedy is, I believe, imperative. It’s this one … Continue Reading…
Blessings… Seeing Through Catastrophic Loss #blessing
Catastrophe. That’s quite a word. It’s the epitomy of a word trying to describe the worst of a … Continue Reading…
Loss… Sentimental and/or Physical #flood2020
The evening of Monday, May 18, it had been a typical day in our home. I’m a virtual assistant … Continue Reading…
Loss… Then Blessings Abound… #believer #blessings #beyondgrateful
OMG (Oh My Goodness)… Find the joy through the tragedy is, I believe, imperative. It’s this one … Continue Reading…
My name’s Kristena Tunstall. Growing up, my dreams never involved once wanting to become a writer. I actually wanted to become a nurse. A couple of years ago I decided to attempt my first fiction book (ever). I am able to take all the grief and hurt from my life’s journey and implement those emotions into my characters. Read More…